Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On Tuesdays

Gracious my bed is comfortable. Everyone thinks their bed is comfortable, but you people have no idea. And the great thing about my bed is if I go crawl into it early enough in the evening, it's easier to crawl out of it in the morning, just after shaking off those lingering sleep fuzzies and soft sheets curling around my face. When you sleep well, you wake well, and are offered the beautiful inbetween haze that does not come with weariness.

And even though as soon as I finish typing this, I'll gulp down the rest of my coffee, brush my teeth and maybe, maybe run a brush through my tangled and wavy hair, jump in the car, and begin a day that will whirl by in business-- right now I am enjoying a cup of coffee out of the mug that Daniel gave me. I'm listening to jazz and the morning light is creeping hand over hand towards my house across the kudzu, and the sheets were downy and cool on my face when I awoke.


SE said...

Your bed is uncomfortable. What do you think about a memory foam mattress topper for Christmas, eh?

Hannah said...

Um, ok. Yes please.