After that part, we came back to the house that we live in. The great thing about living in houses is that they cover up your head in the 9,836,592,046,397 degree weather, and you can wash your clothes in them*, and there is usually furniture to sleep/sit on. The not so great thing about living in houses is you have to, you know, take care of them- and some even go to those great lengths of trying to make their homes look at least kind of presentable. Which leads me to the curtains.
The thing about curtains, is you have to have something to hang them on. The thing about curtain rods is they usually have to fit the precise measurements of your windows. The thing about windows, is that they are usually clear and let people see inside of your maybe-not-so-well-decorated home, which brings us back full circle to needing curtains for the said windows. Now, I'm no Martha Stewart. When it comes to cooking, I normally like to group foods whose colors accent one another and I'm not too concerned about them tasting well together. Needless to say, my decorating style is similar. So for things like curtains, I'm an easy girl to please, which makes it surprising that these curtains have become the bane of my existence. As it turns out, we didn't have a tape measurer to measure all of our windows with, so I went to the store and made lots of incredibly uneducated guesses about what miiiight fit our windows. I was wrong about it all.
In the end, I don't know why I'm complaining about any of this, because Daniel is the one who has done all of the work. Yesterday when we got back from the store where we exchanged all of the idiot-curtain hardware that I had purchased and got the things that would actually work, I was furious. These curtains and their persistent need to be rebellious got my goat in a big way. And so Daniel calmly gave up an hour of his Sunday afternoon hanging them all while I burnt holes in the floor from all of my fuming. I felt about how this guy looks.*

I realize now that our lesson to be learned from the anti-climactic story that I just wasted your time with is that we should have had a tape measurer all along. And honestly, what we really needed wasn't one more crystal deviled egg plate. It was this:
*Edit: Less than 24 hours after writing this our washing machine broke.
*A side note: when searching for pictures of congressman Anthony Weiner, the first results were almost all women.
This is hysterical.Love your writing.
huh larious
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